After moving to Ellensburg, WA...
After moving to Ellensburg, WA we got this sweet little puppy. His name is Scout. Scout is an english cocker spaniel. If you have ever had a puppy, then you know it is a non-stop, 24/7 job. There is house training, lots of playing with puppy, learning commands to come, sit, stay, etc. I am glad to say that after one week Scout was house trained. After 3 weeks we took down the barricades to allow him to go in other parts of the house besides just the kitchen and family room.
I knew I needed to take pictures early on, because just like babies, puppies grow and change fast. Just looking at these photos has proved what I just said about growing and changing fast. He is now taller and barely fits in his bed. His collar is no longer loose. In fact, I had to loosen his collar just yesterday.

This dog loves the water in Ellensburg.
Before most of the local parks closed for COVID-19 we took the kids, Rex and Scout to Irene Rinehart Riverfront Park in Ellensburg, WA. We love this park because there are trees and trails, two of my favorite things. Then there is a huge area next to the river of big river rock. The river is shallow in some places and I bet will be super fun in the summer.
Scout couldn't resist, he had to get in the water. With leash on, we allowed him to get his water fix. This dog loves the water in Ellensburg. It was adorable to see him jumping through the water. The only downside to this whole experience was the terrible wet dog smell we had to live with on the drive home. We did learn that next time we will be bringing a towel with us whenever we take the dog along with us. Scout gets so muddy.